- Exposure: Environmental Links to Breast Cancer and the accompanying resource guide Taking Action for a Healthy Future were created and launched at the First World Conference on Breast Cancer in Kingston , Ontario in 1997. Exposure has been broadcast on CBC Newsworld, TVO, Women’s Television Network and several international broadcast outlets. It recently won “Best Health Documentary – September 2001 at the New York International Independent Film Festival. It is now available in Bahasa Indonesian, Cantonese, English, French, Hebrew, Mandarin and Spanish.
- The If You Love Our Children: Children’s Health and the Environment program is an educational project that explores the complex web of connections between environmental degradation and its impact on children’s health, while highlighting what community activists, health professionals and other citizens are doing to bring about personal, social, and policy change. It will be used widely as a resource in community, labour and health professional outreach, awareness and educational programs.
- Splash’s Wondrous Discoveries – Adventure on an earthly journey with Splash and his magic globe! Enjoy the mysteries Mother Nature created and how we use these materials every day. (Perfect for Gr. 1 _ 2 materials curriculum)To request a book reading or presentation for your community or class please call 416 928-0880 or email at when@web.ca.
- Training Trainers workshops train participants to become ‘environmental health multipliers’ e.g. lead discussions, speak at conferences, organize educational screenings, educate colleagues, families, friends, professional associations etc. In addition to addressing personal lifestyles, these workshops often mean adopting a community health approach framed within the broad socio-environmental perspectives of health promotion as reflected in the goals of the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (1988) – To strengthen community action, develop personal skills, create supportive environments, help to educate, enable, mediate and advocate health.
- Education For A Healthy Future, a program initiated in 1998, helps workshop participants from different community, social, cultural, workplace or educational contexts to evaluate effective ways of learning and to develop confidence and skills to integrate primary prevention into their ongoing work. Guidelines were developed with these diverse groups for effective educational work in community and/or other group situations where appropriate.
- The Canadian CO2 Reduction Initiative – initiated in 1998 – it addressed the relationship of climate change and health. Participants voluntarily took on the responsibility of reducing personal CO2 emissions by using bicycles and public transportation to limit car use, eating locally produced organic food when possible and, generally becoming aware of their own personal impact on Climate Change. Originally funded by the Toronto Atmospheric Fund, this project continued in 2000 with the support of a grant from Environment Canada’s Climate Change Action Fund – Outreach Program.
- Environmental Health, Transformative Learning and Policy Change: Education for Social and Ecpsystem Healing. WHEN in collaboration with the Centre for Health Promotion, U of T began this course in the summer of ’99 at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto (OISE/UT) Transformative Learning Centre (TLC).
- The Environmental Health Program: In June 2000, following a year of planning, WHEN co-coordinated The Environmental Health Program component (offered for the first time) at the Seventh Annual Health Promotion Summer School of the Centre for Health Promotion of the University of Toronto.